Frequently Asked Questions about AdlandPro Classifieds.

1.) Are ads on your site free? 

Our  ads are absolutely free.
We provide several paid option in addition to our free ads.

2.) Where does my ad appear ?

Your ad appears in the category to which you posted it and is linked to country or "All countries"  to which you've decided it to be linked.
Search for your ads by using your  URL or keywords. Try it below.

You can also navigate to the area where your ad is located by choosing country or  category.


3.) How long will my ad stay in your database.

Your ad can stay indefinitely if it is being renewed on regular bases. In addition if you are a free member, you can place up to 20 ads. Placing any new ads will just remove oldest ads if you reached limit of 20. If ads are older than 4 weeks they will be removed from our database. Updating your ads on regular bases will ensure that your ads are not deleted.

If you buy from us any paid service your ad will stay indefinitely.

4. How do I modify my ad?

You access your account then Free ads section and just click Modify button next to the ad you wish to modify.

5. What are the examples of ads posted at Adlandpro and what response are they getting?

Please visit this page which will show you list of ads ordered by their effectiveness.

6. How often I can submit my ads  and how many?

If you are an affiliate you can submit unlimited amount of ads , but ads should be posted to
relevant categories. We are receiving reports quite frequently from people who find
mass posts from the same person. Such ads are being removed from our database
and member  blacklisted.


7. How many sites did my ad go to?

Your ad goes to one database which is being linked from  around
12,100 sites of our affiliates.
Our affiliates created entry points to our site which look like these examples below.

Our affiliates promote those page since they share revenue from our site.
See here for details about our affiliate program.

8. How to submit an ad to your database.
Click here to see instructions.

9. Why I'm being charged in Canadian Dollars. I don't live in Canada.
Adlandpro is a Canadian company and all credit card charges on our end are expressed in Canadian Dollars. This information is provided  before last ordering step and in the email confirming the purchase.  The prices on our site are quoted both in US and Canadian Dollars. The amount expressed in Canadian dollars will be automatically converted by owner's credit card company to their local currency. In case of customers from US,  amount charged in Canadian Dollars will be approximately the amount which we quote in USD. For customers coming from other countries,  the process is the same, we just don't display those prices on our site. Price in USD is usually giving good indication for anybody regardless of where they are coming from.
If you would like to know how much you owe us in your currency, just access this currency converter.
10. Why charges from purchases at Adlandpro are made by Softfornet Solutions Ltd.
Softfornet Solutions Ltd owns Adlandpro Classifieds and handles all financial transactions.


11. How can I use IP address provided in confirmation messages from clicking on my ad on your site.

Although using sophisticated tools you can determine many
things based on the IP address (not the email address though)
we are providing IP address mainly for two reasons.
1. Sometimes you will see the same ip address appearing in
the confirmation messages in short periods of time.
This might mean that the same user is clicking and can't connect
to your site. Either your server is busy or down or visitor connection
is slow or there are some other network problems.
You might want to then check if there are any problems on your end.
2. You can verify how the system works by clicking yourself
on your own ad on our site which will create such an email
address with your IP included. This way you can verify
that system works in real time and nobody is clicking
to give you impression that you are receiving traffic.


11. I've been notified of two responses to an advert, but have not been advised
as to how I can review the responses. 

Responses to your advertisement are email messages sent to you when visitors to our site clicks on the heading of your ad. When this happens, our visitor is redirected to your site. At the same moment, message is sent to you (if you selected this option) just to let you know that you had a visit to your site. This option helps you to analyze effectiveness of your advertising. Those messages are sort of simple hit counter to your ad when you have no other more sophisticated tools to track your responses.


 12. Why your statistics have more click thrus for my websites, than my website manager statistics for my websites, which has always been 100% accurate?

Here are some most obvious reasons.
1. Somebody clicked on our site but your server was down or busy
and they didn't wait any longer.
2. Somebody was able to connect to our site but due to connection
problems on the way between you and them, click on your link on
our site resulted in unresolved domain or DNS error.
Your site didn't load.
3.  User clicked several times impatiently on our site on your link (each click
is a hit recorded) but there was only one visit to your site.
4. Search engine or other spidering software crawled our site, encountered your ad  but your stats didn't
show it because stats only look for human clicks