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Vol. 1 issue #150 May 05, 2005



Marketing Busy-ness or Marketing to Build Business?
�2005 By Charlie Cook


Whether you're just starting your firm or you've been in
business for years, you have a good idea of the various
marketing tasks that you should be doing. You probably have
a web site and are doing some advertising, and spend time on
the ph0ne talking with prospects. Each week you and your
staff work hard trying to promote your firm.

All of these marketing activities can keep you busy, and
take time and mon�y. But if you're not careful, these
marketing activities will limit your growth or worse yet,
put you in the poor house.

When I first talked with Judy in Chicago, her business was
about to close. Despite having many satisfied clients, an
active advertising campaign and a web site, she wasn�t
developing a steady stream of new or repeat clients. Each
week her spending on marketing was costing her heavily and
her income wasn't keeping up.

Judy knew that she needed to bring in more clients but her
conclusion was that advertising and web sites don't work, at
least not for her business. She was busy with her marketing
but it wasn't working to grow her business.

Is your marketing providing you with a steady stream of new
clients and customers?

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Diane Leigh's General Info

it's just me...=)   
Diane Leigh D (user id: 267211) is offline. Last login: 6/11/2005 1:59:56 PM 556 Friends
Member since 2/28/2005
Ms. Diane Leigh D
Gender Female
Location Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Interests anything about music, sports, advertising, selling, etc.
Company International On-line Network
URL View International On-line Network's web site
Industry Advertising, Selling, Health & Nutrition, Quit Smoking


If you're not attracting as many clients and customers as
you'd like, there is a good chance that you're busy with
marketing but not marketing to grow your business. What's
the difference?

One is focused on day-to-day activities and separate
marketing tools, such as advertising or a web site. The
other is based on a business building strategy that helps
you generate more leads and clients each month and each

Wouldn't you rather be marketing to a larger and larger
group of prospects each month?

Ron, who owns an electronics parts supply firm, business was
growing, but he wasn't generating new customers with his web
site. While profits were rolling in from his telemarketing
efforts, he was missing literally millions of additional
dollars in revenue he could have been earning through online

What's your marketing costing you in lost revenue? How much
more could you be making if you added ten new clients a
month, a week or a day to your business?

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Here's how to earn more with a business building marketing

1. Attract prospects by focusing your marketing on the
problems you solve. Instead of talking about yourself,
use prospects concerns to get their attention.

2. Use your advertising, web site and other marketing
activities to prompt people to contact you and add them to
your qualified prospect list.

3. Attract both buyers and potential buyers. For each person
who is ready to buy, there are another twenty who are
interested and you could convert to client status.

4. Focus on building relationships. If you want prospects to
trust you and buy from you, it helps to create a dialogue
and to demonstrate your expertise.

PROFESSIONAL PROMOTION! The PowerPROMOTEUR was developed for OUR members only! FULLY AUTOMATED! Search engine submission and resubmission! Doorways..link popularity for ALL your businesses! UNLIMITED USE! CHECK IT OUT....INCREDIBLE! Click here for success

5. Regularly stay in touch with prospects, otherwise they'll
forget you and won't buy your products and services even if
they have a need.

6. Use helping instead of selling as your marketing model
and you'll convince many more people they need your products
and services.

Want a business building marketing strategy you can use to
attract more clients each month?

After shifting to this business building marketing strategy,
Judy is no longer in debt; in fact her company is
prospering. She still advertises, has a web site and spends
time on marketing tasks but these activities now all
reinforce each other and work to help her build more
prospect and client relationships each month. Instead of
being busy marketing, she is busy growing her business.

Don't wait until you're in debt or losing millions in
potential revenue because your busy with marketing. Use a
business building marketing strategy to generate more leads
and you'll be earning more each month and each year.

The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals and
small business owners attract more clients and be more
successful. Sign up for the Fr�� Marketing Plan eBook,
'7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business'
at http://www.marketingforsuccess.com   



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